Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Singapore - Mah Jong Update

Mixed Results
I played Mah Jong a few times, starting off slowly and finishing stronger. I generally felt like I was more in control of what I was doing and knew what was going on. I was aware of the wind of the round and my own wind at all times. I made some mistakes but I knew what they were. I also made some big scores, the best of which was a $45 hand - the last hand of the last game I played. Unfortunately, with typical facetiousness, I lambasted the player to my left for being unfriendly - as in not feeding me any good tiles. I was joking. I ended up offending the poor lady, a family friend I'd just met. Later, when Dodo's mom complained to her about it I was once again reminded that my serious, fierce face doesn't lend itself to dry jokes with strangers...


Sal said...

The culture experts do say that when you learn to joke properly in another language/culture, you're really proficient. I hope the lady will forgive you.

FN said...

@Sal, I got a lot of things working against me. I have an angry face, I don't smile a lot, I'm not humble or modest and I like to joke people. It will be a long uphill battle to fit into the asian side of things.