Monday, August 9, 2010

Maldives - Nighttime

Stargazing and Snacking
We usually didn't eat dinner at night. Rather, we'd visit the lounge and have a drink and some snacks on their deck. The star gazing was second to only Peru in my experience. It got deeply dark out in the middle of the ocean and the stars gleamed that much brighter as a result.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a camera setting to capture the stars. These shots at twilight were the only ones that came out half-way decent.

One night we returned to our room to find some romantic help. The tub was filled with hot water, bubbles and flower petals.

The bed was done up with some towel swans and a heart made of flower petals. Dodo accused me of being unromantic when I disassembled the swans and threw away the petals. What was I gonna do, sleep under it? I cannot wait to see her comments.


MaCherie said...

Hey, at least you took a pic of it before you disassembled it lol. Can't say you didn't appreciate the ambiance.

FN said...

@Mach - well, actually, she took the pics...