Saturday, August 7, 2010

Maldives - the Plunge Pool

This Was More My Speed...
I'm not sure why it was called a "plunge" pool - maybe you're supposed to dip in and out quickly? I liked to lounge in it near one of the tall shutters that blocked the sun. I borrowed Dodo's hat and laid back, relaxed and sported my golfer's tan. Later I'd practice snorkeling - with flippers and all. I'm sure it looked pathetic - a grown man with a mask and fins splashing around in a 2-foot deep pool.

Dodo went in the plunge pool on the first day but once the lagoon snorkeling bug bit her she rarely went back. It's like she'd graduated to the big leagues.

Good thing I captured these shots immediately...... While I was in the plunge pool she'd ask "Babe, when are you going in the lagoon to snorkel?" I craftily replied "tomorrow morning when the tide is lower." She didn't believe me - she could tell I was afraid. I didn't believe myself!


MaCherie said...

Love the hat. Thinks it makes for a great fashion statement lol

FN said...

@Mach - If I a had a nice, dark, even tan it would've looked even better.