Friday, December 19, 2008

Paris Redux - Day 13

Paris Steet Art
As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a lot of street art in Paris. You find it without really looking for it. This morning, I discovered a giant preying mantis:

Here's is Puff's favorite: the little e-bug who is all over the city, usually high up on a wall above street name plaques.

This one was done with some kind of paper that was stuck to the wall. Someone then came along and tagged it.

The fly (la mouche.)

Ode to the Streetsweepers
Paris is very clean, much more than New York. One reason could be army of streetsweepers you see each morning. They arrive in the morning darkness, use special keys to unlock underground fountains that flood the street with water and sweep with their long brooms. Here is one cleaning a street in the 4th.

A Walk to Isle St-Louis
There are two small islands in the middle of the Seine river. The larger is Isle de la Cite and the smaller, Isle St-Louis. The metro does not stop on either so you have to drive or walk. I chose the latter for obvious reasons. I took a leisurely stroll over to Isle St-Louis.

Here is a view of the Isle St-Louis, looking across the Seine from the 4th.

And here is a shot from the Isle, looking back at the 4th.


The Puff Speaks... said...

Hey.. looks like you got sun today!

Am surprise you remember my favorite street art :) The little e-bug is cute isn't it.

How come someone's taking walks and photos during the day? Is someone being notti notti?

FN said...

You know it Puffin, the kid skips work in all continents, countries and languages.

Vive le slackerating!!