Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Paris Redux - Day 10

Another Cool Metro Stop
The Louvre-Rivoli metro stop on the 1 line, beneath the Louvre Museum is another cool stop like Arts & Metiers. It is set up like a mini-museum itself, with statues and display cases.

The western-bound side of the station has an Egyptian motif. Here is an Egyptian statue in front of a display on Egyptian art.
The eastern-bound side of the station appears to focus on European art.

Speaking of Art
There is a lot of cool street art all over Paris. It comes in all shapes, sized and approaches. This is "La Mouche" (the fly), which I saw on a wall near the Jacques Genin store. I plan to snap more photos of the street art, it is really interesting.

1 comment:

The Puff Speaks... said...

Grumpy is really grumpy that no one leaves a comment on his blog.. as he feels no one appreciates his efforts.

Grumps... I think the fly isn't exactly the coolest street art u can find. Remember those robotic ones that are quite cute near the Marais neighbourhood? How abt some of those?