Saturday, August 14, 2010

Penang - the Hotel

Dodo secured us a spot at a small hotel west of the historical district. It's an old house converted into a hotel with only six rooms.

The small grounds are lovely. Lots of greenery, flowers and a small pool that looks more ornamental than functional. There are three fountains next to the pool that pour water into vases, creating a soothing trickle.

The downstairs has an open layout with a colonial, tiled look. Very cooling.

Yep, a full mosquito net around the bed. I love the old wooden shutters. We haven't lifted them an inch - it's sunny and hot out there.


Sal said...

This hotel is reminiscent of the 1920'a or 1930's colonial setups. I feel as if I'm looking at a movie set and expect to see some coffee plantation owners strutting through.

FN said...

@Sal - exactly right Sal. They have antique furniture and marble floors. Very nice. Thankfully though, they have air conditioning.

MaCherie said...

Only 6 rooms huh? Welcome to the good life lol

FN said...

@Mach - you know it, kid! Whenever two of those rooms tried to take a shower at the same time - no water.....