Sunday, August 8, 2010

Maldives - the Beach

A More Traditional Approach to the Water
On the western side of the island there is a beautiful white coral sand beach. Near the northern end of the island there is a small jetty with two deck chairs and an umbrella. You could sit out there, soak up some rays and sip a cool drink. See the small pavilion on the horizon, to the right of the umbrella? That's the "ocean pavilion." Crazy people take a boat out there to deep water snorkel.

We took a walk on jetty but I decided against staying - way too much sun and not enough shade for my liking. On a side note - we were both wearing spf 50 sunscreen, even when in the shade.

This is a shot looking south. On the right is one of the other 2,000 islands in the Maldives.

This little spot in the shade was more to our liking. It was set back from the water about 20 feet inside some brush. We chilled there, reading. Out of the blue, a worked showed up to ask us if we'd like a cold drink or to have the menu. It was so weird - we don't even know how he knew we were there.

On a different day we ate lunch near the beach and after ordering, Dodo took a walk along the water, looking for crabs. Instead, she came back with a handful of sea shells that she packed home.


MaCherie said...

OK, I lied, the hat looks much better on her :)

FN said...

@Mach - aww man, that's not right.