Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hokkaido - Farming

Summertime in Hokkaido
Our last visit to Hokkaido was during the early winter.  In mid-August it's a completely different place.  We landed in Sapporo on the western edge of the island and drove eastwards through the heart of the farmlands.  The wheat was already rolled up and drying.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hong Kong - Hiking

Climbing the Dragon's Back
Hong Kong is not exactly what you see on TV.  First, it's made up more than 250 islands, the second largest of which is Hong Kong island with its famed curtain of skyscrapers.  Second, due to the islands' steepness more than 75% of the land is uninhabited.  All the buildings and people are wedged into narrow bands between sea and cliff face.  With just a fifteen minute bus ride up and into the mountains you can be trekking in the wilderness, relatively speaking.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hong Kong - The Layover

Just for a Few Days
We're on our way back to Hokkaido but have stopped over in HK for a few days.  Yes, Hokkaido, the place we just visited this past November.  Thanks to the Big Boss, who loves Hokkaido, we are on another free trip to Japan.  It's a company trip - the usual suspects from the HK office.  However, while in HK, we'll get some dim sum and a walk along the "dragon's back."  More explanation on that soon.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Singapore - Decorating Update

Getting Customized
Who knew that the Dodo could paint freehand?  Near the front door we painted one wall bright yellow and then added some stickers.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Singapore - Roof Gardening Update

Some Good, Some Bad
Most of the plants survived our absence pretty well.  The lantana in the inner planter thrived.