Sunday, December 20, 2009


Means "New Town" in Japanese
Our hotel was in a neighborhood called Shinjuku. It was known for being the red light district back in the 70's but none of that remains. It was all knocked down, plowed over and replaced with skyscrapers. This is one of only two hoods with tall buildings, the other being downtown. I liked the way this one was shaped, the way it bulges in the middle, seemingly straining the criss-crossing supports.

This is the Tokyo city municipal building. Pretty snazzy for a government building.

Most of the buildings here seem to be bank buildings. The employees on their way in to work looked like those from any other big city. Hurried, harried, bumping into you, sort of angry and resigned to another long day. Of course here, the day is much longer. See, if a man returns home too early (say, before 10pm) he loses face. It shows he is not so busy at work.

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