Sunday, December 20, 2009


Shopping Epicenter
Shibuya is dead-center of the shopping target. It's got small shops, large department stores and billboards galore.

When Pingles lived in Tokyo, she was just a stone's throw from here. Something tells me that's not a coincidence, huh Pingles?

For all the talk in the States about not wanting to duplicate Japan's "zombie economy" - it's hard to square that with what you see here. There don't appear, on the surface at least, to be any economic issues whatsoever. People here are shopping and eating and spending and enjoying themselves.

Doesn't matter - day or night, rain or shine - Shibuya is packed and thriving.

If you know nothing else about this neighborhood, you're probably familiar with the "busiest crosswalk" in the world. Crosswalks are different here - they let traffic go one way, then traffic go the other way, THEN they let the people go ALL ways. Check this out, it's pretty fascinating:

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