Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On The World Cities Scale...

Jakarta's Like an Upscale Bombay
Let us compare and contrast. Men with machine guns guarding your hotel entrance? Check. A sweep of your taxi and search of the taxi undercarriage for bombs prior to entry to the hotel parking lot? Check. Baggage scanning machines to get into the hotel? The mall? Check and check.

Crazy traffic and reckless motorcycle drivers? Check. However, here in Jakarta, they actually have traffic lights and everyone appears to heed them.

Inviting porta-potties? Check. Believe me, this gem is a major step up from what you'd find in Bombay.

Oblivious street sweepers, plying their trade, back to traffic? Yep, got that too.

Three-wheeled quasi-motorcycle taxis? Yep, same exact ones as in Bombay. In this way, the two cities are identical.


Sal said...

When you see men with weapons everywhere, does it make you nervous?

FN said...

Not as much as it used to. I guess I am getting used to it.