Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tokyo - Waiting for Pancakes

Super-Tower Pancakes in Shibuya
The new craze, apparently - impossibly fluffy, tall pancakes.  We went at 1:45, not realizing there were only three seatings per day and we'd just missed one.  In each seating they only make 20 they suggested we come back early for the 3pm slot.

When we came back at 2:45, we ordered and were told they'd arrive at 3:30pm.  We clock-watched and at exactly 3:30 the waiter emerged from the kitchen.  He was carrying a tray and staring at it intensely, walking as carefully as you might if you were holding a nitroglycerin bomb.

When he placed them carefully on the table between us they were quivering.  They hype was real - they were indeed, impossibly tall. 

One jab with a knife and they exhaled loudly, deflating to half size.  Not sure the technique used but they'd somehow beaten a tremendous amount of air into the batter.  Cannot even imagine trying to flip these over while cooking them.

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