Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Singapore - Friends Five

Jiahui's nickname is Efficient Doggie.  Amongst all the friends, she simply gets things done.  If you talk about a movie you want to see, she'll ask in Singlish "got free tonight?" type on her phone and seconds later "booked, lah, 7pm."  If you have a dinner appointment with her at 6pm, she'll text you at 5:50, before you even arrive at the restaurant "hey, what you want, ah?  Ordering arrreddy, ok?"

She is posing here with the little one.  Since we left, she got married and moved out of her family's place.  Laurence, her new husband, is a really nice guy.  Very traditional Chinese they keep saying though I don't know quite what that means.  Every time I've been out with him he's been a pleasure.

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