Friday, January 6, 2012

Singapore - First Barbecue

A Roaring Success
There are two seasons in Singapore.  From October to March it's windy and cooler.  The rest of the time there is little wind and it's really hot.  So, if you have a barbecue on your roof in December, the wind may take your coals and food to the heavens.
MC and Dodo.
Two characters for sure.
Kevin and Dodo.  Kevin kept a close watch on the coals due to the wind.  Things were blowing all over the place.
In addition to juicy sausages we grilled something called Otah.  It's fish with spices wrapped inside a banana leaf.  You throw them right on the grill and you simply peel back the leaf and eat.
You have to look at this photo on a big monitor.  It was taken by Pirate using a wrap-around effect.  It's three pictures joined end to end.  Me, Ying-Ying, Kevin and MC.
I brought a few bottles of wine from Paris that we added to the mix.  Due to the wind, each person had to hold onto their wine glass, you couldn't put it down for a second or it would've been gone.
Tired of fighting the wind, we retired to the downstairs.  We continued to eat and watch a bit of television.
The infamous Pirate, who took all of these photos except this one, obviously.

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