Monday, January 2, 2012

Seoul - New Years Gambling

Otherwise known as a game that leads to lots of drinking.  Yutnori is a game played on New Year's day.  It's pretty simple and as each game is lost, the loser gives money which goes into a "drinking pile."  After a number of rounds, the money is used to buy drinks.  We played with our kimchi teacher but unfortunately we didn't get to drink, it was a friendly game used to instruct.
Four people play in teams of two.  When it's your turn, you toss 4 wooden sticks into the air.

Depending on how they land you either get one to five points.
You then use your points to move one of 4 small disks around a board, the goal of which is to move them all home prior to the opposing team.  There are a lot of tricks - you can choose to kill an opponent and knock him back to the beginning or take shortcuts around the board depending on the luck of the stick throw.
The kimchi teacher showed us all the tricks.
It reminded me of some of the Chinese New Year gambling.  The goal is to win, but not really - the goal is to have some fun and then have some drinks.

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