Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Singapore - Condo Update

Balcony Done
Seems strange to me but in Singapore when you buy a condo they give you an empty balcony that you have to fill yourself.  Everyone ends up doing the same thing - laying down wood decking.  We considered the options - a dirt planter with flowers, stone, etc.  However, we ended up doing the same old same old.  The deck guy was a real pro - right out into the bright sun with his air gun.
It's about a foot deep empty.  I watched the deck guy do his thing.  First he ringed it with a support beam and then custom cut each plank to fit.  They use Indonesian hardwood in these parts.  It's supposed to last a few decades under the intense sun and rain.
He did the entire job in about three hours, including two layers of a special sealant.  The final outcome was nice.  It adds about 60 feet to our livingroom.
We might leave it empty or put some plants and chairs, not sure yet.

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