Monday, January 16, 2012

Singapore - Condo Update

The Couch Arrives...
About a month ago we went couch shopping and saw something we almost liked.  It was a normal couch but we were looking for something with a chaise lounge on one end.  When we asked if we could "design" our own version, they were happy to comply.  I scribbled out a design and went back and forth with the shop a few times and hoped for the best.  It arrived today.

It's L-shaped as you can see.  Grey, with white piping.  They threw in extra pillows, so many in fact that we'll have to store some.  Dodo says it's pretty comfortable and it should be - it's down-filled, which is supposed to make it cooler in a hot climate.  We'll see.  My guess is you'll have to have the overhead fan cranked on full or the AC on to sit in it without creating a puddle.  It's 8 feet by 6 feet.

Here are the original design scribblings.  I will check it out on Friday night when I arrive from Paris.

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