Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hong Kong - Victoria Park

A Little Bit of Everything for Everyone
Two years ago when I visited HK for the first time I staggered out of my hotel at dawn, jetlagged to the core and stumbled into Victoria Park. It was around 7am on a weekday and I was amazed by the number of people that were there exercising so early. There were elderly doing Tai Chi, joggers doing laps on a running track and couples playing badminton. I didn't explore the park that day otherwise I would have learned that there's many more things on offer. The basketball courts are neatly tucked in a corner and were busy on a Saturday afternoon.

Hard courts for soccer. I've never seen such large soccer hard courts. The goal is smaller than a normal goal but the courts themselves are pretty large.

There's a lawn bowling court deeper inside the park. I'm guessing this was a tournament of some sort - everyone was dressed in uniforms.

I didn't take any photos of the tennis courts or the small model boat pool where kids were racing their remote-controlled boats. I did take one of some greenery, however, to show that there is some. If you've never been to HK, you'd be surprised how much greenery there is. I've read that close to 40% of Victoria island is protected parkland.

Ok, now we get to something quitessentially Chinese - a pebble walking trail. Since the soles of the feet are connected to everything, why not work them out too? The idea is to take off your shoes and walk on the pebbles to invigorate the feet.

These pebbles are seriously invigorating - look how sharp some of them are. We each took about a 20 foot walk on them, tenderly and carefully. I didn't enjoy it while doing it but I admit my feet felt pretty good afterwards.

I only read the rules after my walk....

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