Monday, May 24, 2010

Hong Kong - The Tourist Shots

Gotta Get Em Outta the Way...
When Puffin went to work today I took the opportunity to do all the touristy things she won't do. First up, shots of the tall buildings. This is looking south towards HK Island from Tsim Sha Tsui. The lineup of buildings is so long that I had to take three shots just to get them all. This is looking from the Star Ferry Terminal towards the western edge HK Island.

This shot captures the middle wedge of buildings. The convention center is the low building at the water's edge.

Now, the Eastern edge of HK Island. The greenery in the middle bottom of the shot is Victoria Park.

Here's a map of the action. I was standing on a promenade on the tip of the land jutting down from the top of the photo.

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