Monday, January 12, 2009

A Tale of Two Suns

An Unfinished Story
Once upon a time long ago, the sun had a child. Jealous of his progeny's brilliance, he banished the upstart to the darkness of the far east. The sun continued to lord over the great capitals of Europe, giving little thought to the orphan. As the years passed, the sun grew old and tired and struggled out of bed each morning to shine a few shallow rays. Europe began to freeze over.
Meanwhile, the orphan grew into a strong, blazing force. He worked hard each day, rising early, setting late, bringing tremendous light and warmth to Asia. He thought of his father every day, hoping for the praise that was never to come.


Sal said...

How can one tell if the heat is off in Paris because the dastardly Russians/Ukranians are playing games or because someone in Paris is being stingy and blaming it on others?

Also, when does the story get finished??

FN said...

Man, my readers are restless.... Now I gotta finish the story? I wonder if Stephen King feels this kind of pressure?