Tuesday, March 3, 2009

On the Lookout

Pee and Other Topics...
Mom, this shot's for you. We saw this little kitty high up on the side of a building along rue Renard, near Hotel de Ville. Funny thing is, it's the only cat I've seen in Paris. This seems more like a dog town. The dogs run around leashless, sit on chairs in restaurants and are treated like humans.

The dogs apparently pee wherever they feel, as well. You spend a lot of time looking down at the sidewalk trying not to step into it. Here's a nice cafe barrier splash - imagine getting a whiff of that as you knock back an early morning cafe au lait.

Now, I've seen some pretty extraordinary puddles, ones too vast to be canine. I think the humans here are peeing on the street too. Puffin says I'm crazy but I'm sure of it. I'll prove it at some point.

When I do prove it, the next question will be - why are Parisians peeing on the street? Unlike NY, there is no reason - they have these free toilets all around Paris. Ok, they are not "all around" but there are enough of them around.
Perhaps this guy is on the lookout for the human pee-ers too. I can imagine him sniping someone in mid-pee.


The Puff Speaks... said...

We obviously have different focus when walking down the street... My radar is constantly focused on detecting and hence avoiding the massive amount of dog turd all over the city!!

Maybe we need to adopt the Singapore government whip and fine policy here on the offenders... what do you think?

FN said...

LOL!! We make a great team, Puffin. I haven't tracked any dog turd into the apt yet....

Whip and fine or snipe... hmmm, I think your policy is slightly more humane, we should go with that one.