Sunday, March 1, 2009

City of Sunlight

Warm and Sunny in February
I'm really surprised by how easy the winter is here in Paris. Yesterday was a good example - it was 55 degrees and bright. We took a stroll around the left bank and walked through Jardin de Luxembourg, which was packed with crowds, soaking up the warmth.

Closer to the Sorbonne, we listened to a bit of ragtime being pounded out on a rolling, makeshift piano.

Back in the 4th, we took a peek inside Eglise St Merry, which looked like a normal church until I looked up at the ceiling.
There was a large painting of a face hanging high above. It was jarring to see modern art within an old church.
Also in the 4th, the National Archives stand out like a fortress amongst the small aparment buildings. This is looking north from rue de Francs Bourgeois into the inner courtyard of the Archives.


Anonymous said...

J., unfortunately your cheese shot didnt show up on my computer.although the others did. Strange,

Sal said...

On the other hand, the cheese shot did show up on my computer, tho it took awhile to scan all the way from top to bottom. Dwalton may need to defrag his hard drive....

FN said...

Sal, perhaps you should post explicit defrag instructions to the old rooster.