Saturday, January 1, 2011

Singapore - Fireworks Fail

Where Else?  At MBS
The Marina Bay Sands ("MBS") has quickly reached iconic status here in Singapore.  Almost all events are near it or include it as a backdrop - case in point: this year's fireworks.  I went with Dodo and the girlfriends to a restaurant near the marina to eat, drink and bring in the new year in style.  The view, as you can see, was pretty good.  The marina was filled with 20,000 floating white "wishing balls" that appear purple in this shot.
The joke of the night was Dodo's new nerd glasses.  She claims her new year's resolution for 2011 is to appear smarter and this was her first step, I guess.
Everyone was passing them around and trying them on.  Diana posed with them and gave what we all agreed was a classic "come hither" look.  We started eating at 7:30pm and waited patiently for midnight to arrive.  I was in perfect position, camera set-ups done, ready for the big fireworks.  I was pointed straight out into the marina with the MBS in the background.  The photos were going to be excellent.
However, they were far more left than anticipated.  I was so disgusted.  I waited 4 hours and was blocked by a nearby hotel.


Sal said...

Are these glasses with prescription lenses or "fashion" glasses? Jean looks very fetching in them, I think.

FN said...

@Sal - they're fashion glasses. I agree Sal, she's like a cutie-nerd in them.