This was the day of reckoning. I pumped it up, calling it the "Kimchi Coming Out Party." Most agreed to come but forewarned they "don't really like Kimchi." Three months had passed since we tucked it way in the fridge in the special container.
When I popped the lid I didn't smell a thing. Our names were written on the two bundles, I took out mine and returned the other to the fridge.
Out of the ziplock I could begin to see the outlines through the remaining bags.
I didn't know it had been wrapped so many times. Five separate bags in all.
I placed it on the table and everyone oooohhhhed and aahhhhhhhhd. This was it, the end of a long buildup that had lasted months.
Everyone dug in and started chewing. I waited.... Nothing. Then, slowly, they began nodding and smiling and congratulating. They liked it. By the meal's end, it was gone.
We later retired to the roof for dessert. We tried out the new tables and chairs for the first time. I put out the awning and the lowered the shades. In this photo, you are looking through one of the shades, so as you can see, they are perforated - letting in the wind but not the sun or rain. A light drizzle tinkled on the roof and everyone was amazed that we could sit outside in the rain, eating, relaxing. There was a nice cool breeze. We sat, ate ice cream and cake, listened to music, talked. Success. A few hours later I was on a plane to Paris.

I'm surprised that the kimchi you made tasted so good to you. Maybe I just have my ideas about the flavor of kimchee by descriptions of its "aroma" I saw on M*A*S*H.
Yeah, it has a bad rep, that's all. It's really quite tasty.
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