Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We Do Christmas Right

No Fake Tree and Everyone is Included
I didn't ask but I am guessing the middle stocking is for the cats.

A nice tree that just about touches the ceiling.

Close up of a homemade pine cone ornament. This one has to be 35 years old.

It wouldn't be Sal's house without a kitty ornament.

Close up of a homemade heart ornament. I remember doing this one about 10-15 years ago, I think.

This one is funny. Can you tell this one isn't store bought?


Sal said...

And he didn't even show you the ornaments from his dad's childhood, several of which have survived 60-70 years. I enjoy remembering where each ornament came from (especially that bedraggled "gingerbread man" made by one of the children).

The Puff Speaks... said...

Wow.. it's nice how different ornaments have a story behind it. I would imagine keeping all these ornaments through the years a feat.

FN said...

I didn't even take a photo of the one I made in 4th grade out of an egg carton!