Monday, December 8, 2008

Paris Redux - Day 2

City of Light?
So, they call Paris the "City of Light", due to its early adoption of street lights. Far as I'm concerned, they should call it the "City of Darkness." When my alarm went off this morning at 6:30am, I was absolutely sure I'd set my clock wrong. It was so dark that I couldn't believe it. Officially, the sun rises at 7:30am, which is bad enough - however, there is absolutely no evidence of its rising. Check out the photo - this is 7:30am on the dot, picture unretouched.

Well, even 8:30am ain't that much brighter out.

Au Revoir Metro, Bonjour RER
Apparently, I am jinxed when it comes to the Metro. Both trips to Paris, first day trying to catch the subway and have had tons of trouble. Today, the train simply did not ever arrive. I waited 35 minutes. I listened to the announcements explaining the delay, not understanding exactly what was going on. Turns out, there was no electricity - it went out on the entire line. I eventually went to plan B, which was taking a 10 minute walk to another metro stop and jumping on what they call the "RER", which is a regional train - the Parisian equivalent of Metronorth. The RERs are commuter trains that come from far outside the city, but some of them cut through the city and have a few express stops. I jumped on the RER - A line and was at work within 15 minutes. There are only 2 intervening stops. Umm, yeah - metro - see ya later.

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