Saturday, December 20, 2008

Paris Redux - Day 14

The Last Day, Or Not?
My previous visit to Paris was unexpectedly extended by a pilot's strike. Now, here I am again. Apparently, there is an uber-storm dropping heavy snow on Chi-town and beating its way towards the northeast. Will I get out? Stay tuned.
More Street Art
I cannot get enough of it, it's everywhere. Check out this one: a huge woman, with her giant foot on the gas pedal of her red car.

Only in Paris. This mural, complete with female nude, would probably come under the attack of right-wing "family values" nuts in the US.

Here is one done with small tiles, a similar style as the e-bug from yesterday's post.

Speaking of Art....
This is the exterior of the Picasso Museum, with an interesting optical illusion. Can you figure it out? Click on the photo for a better look.

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