Sunday, December 26, 2010

Singapore - Futsal

Getting in Shape, Singapore Style
Dodo's brother Ben and I are pushing each other to get in shape.  When two lazies get going, it's dangerous.  We've been running, playing basketball, doing situps and pushups and most recently playing Futsal which is a contraction of the Spanish " fútbol de salón" or indoor soccer.  The Singapore version is played on a small outdoor field boxed in by a net.  I estimate the field to be about 60 yds by 25 yds which suits the 10 total players, 5 a side including the goalie.  Ben's friends rent the field each Sunday from 11:30am to 2:30pm.  There were enough players for four teams.
The rules are simple.  Only the endlines are out - you can play the ball off the side nets and roof net.  You play for ten minutes or until a team scores twice.  Sounded easy until I got out there in the 90 degree heat and 100 percent humidity.  I thought I was going to puke or die or both.  I looked at the clock more than the ball.  After a few games I settled in and found a rhythm.  It's a fun game in which short, sharp passes and precision are required.
The pitch is synthetic - some kind of plastic grass implanted in loose rubber pellets.  It's a step up from the Futsal hardcourts I saw in Hong Kong.  It's like running on a thick carpet.   I enjoyed kicking up a grainy wave of rubber dots with a hard sliding tackle.  Those who played without shirts probably didn't share my enthusiasm.  I spent time between matches shaking the pellets out of my shoes and socks.  I'll be going back next Sunday.


Dan said...

Proof you were actually playing as opposed to photographing

FN said...

@Pops - Proof? Prove what to whom?