Sunday, November 19, 2017

Uyuni, Bolivia - Lagoons

Islands of Life
Once you leave the salt flat and climb into the high desert, you begin to see lagoons.  The first was so colorful that I ripped off my sunglasses to look.  A swirling white cloud passed over and Karine asked our tour guide Eddie about it.  "Salt cloud?"  "Nope" he replied.  "Borax."

The promised pink flamingos were there, waiting for us.  They stood in the lagoon, ankle deep, dipping their beaks.

A few hours away, the most impressive - the red lagoon.
The algae of this particular lagoon give off a red color and contrast dramatically against the white Borax islands and the blue water.

The green lagoon is deadly as it has arsenic in it.  There are no flamingos or other animals with the exception of one type of seagull which have adapted to the water.  We saw a few floating on top of the choppy waves.

At the white lagoon, our first sighting of llamas in the desert.

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