Saturday, December 24, 2016

Syracuse - XMas

All the Fixings
The Chans got the full Christmas treatment.  Tree trimming, light hanging, present wrapping, stocking stuffing, egg nog drinking, fire in the fireplace starting and a lot more....

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  We paused for a small birthday celebration.  The lady sure has a strong poker face but was happy on the inside, or so she said....  We had a tasty Boston Cream Pie cake and a few gifts.

The best of which was this Donald Trump door stop.
Many of the hand-made tree baubles were equal in charm, if not craftsmanship.  I still remember trying to sew this thing as a ten year old.  Many mocked it but didn't dare attempt to make a better one.  Critics.....

Some of us were more immune to the x-mas spirit than others.  Though, she perked up whenever food entered the equation.

We decorated the mantle with red cloth and a golden reindeer statue.  Who knew Sal had so much stuff...

 On the eve, we sipped egg nog sprinkled with cinnamon and ate pignoli cookies.

I think pignoli's are an Italian American custom but hey, who is going to turn down cookies?  We watched the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, the real one - with Boris Karloff narrating.

We visited the regional market to buy veggies and try fried dough and apple cider donuts. 

These two became fast friends.  It was love at first sight.

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