Thursday, December 22, 2016

Brooklyn - Family Visit

Surrounded by Chans
Two of Jean's cousins arrived for the holidays.  They are the kids of Jean's mom's sister: Sijia and Yiquan.  Sijia is a big traveler and had been to NY before.  Her brother had never been out of Asia and was most worried about the cold.  My landlady, who is in Florida for the winter, offered them her apartment.  We hit the ground running - a fancy lunch at Bouley where none of us took pictures, to my surprise.  Then a basketball game - Brooklyn Nets vs. the Golden State Warriors.

As usual, the Nets took a large lead and then the leaks sprung and the Warriors slowly pulled away.  We had great seats - about 15 rows from the court thanks to Jean's contacts at work.  Her company has the NBA as a client.

The tickets included free food and drink so we loaded up.
While Jean went to work, I took them on a short midtown romp.  We walked through Times Square and visited some of the shops.  We then headed over to Rockefeller Center. 

We went into Saks, which was as packed as you'd expect pre-Xmas.  We took refuge in St Patricks cathedral.

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