Thursday, February 23, 2012

Singapore - Roof at Night

Condo Rules Are So Much Fun
When you buy a condo you get a book of rules to go with it.  Ours is no different.  There are all kinds of rules, some good, some dumb.  An example of the latter would be the rule that maids cannot swim in the pool.  Can you imagine?  I might go get a maid just so I can break the rule.  I would take her swimming every night.  One of the big rules is you cannot do anything to change the building "facade."  So, my roofing guy had to draw up designs and get a sign off from condo management.  They were approved with the caveat "as long as you cannot see it from outside."
That's why we used a polycarbonate roof - it's see through.  The roofing guys even lined up the roof supports with the preexisting beams and painted them the exact same color.  I chose dim lights that shine inwards so they don't annoy my neighbors.  Tonight, I turned on the lights, lowered the shades and went out for a look.  I expected a glowing box of light but to my surprise, you can hardly see anything.
It blends in nicely.  Still, I can't help but feel like there's a letter being drafted by condo management.......

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