Friday, August 19, 2011

Osaka - Osakajo

Jo Means Castle
Osaka Castle dominates the western side of the city.  Its large grounds are surrounded by a deep moat and high ramparts.  It looks like a museum piece inside the modern city. 
Built in the mid-1500's, none of the original exists.  It's been rebuilt many times over the years and now serves as a museum to its original benefactor, Hideoyoshi, a warrior in the Sengoku period.  We climbed the eight flights to the top and worked our way down.  Each floor covered a specific period of Osaka history.

What we learned is that in those days life was a bit dicier.  You were either with Hideyoshi or against him and it was better to be the former.  Sometimes, you would be with him and he'd kill you anyway.  Once, he killed his wife, all his concubines, and 30 more because he sniffed a rebellion, real or otherwise.

The view from the top was spectacular.
In this shot you can see the grounds and the moat.

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