Saturday, January 22, 2011

Taipei - First Impressions

Hong Kong, We Got Good News for You
I blinked a few times as we drove from the airport to downtown.  Everything looked blurry to me - must be the jetlag.  No, I realized, everything really is shaded brown or grey - the buildings, the roads, the sky, the smog on the horizon.  Taipei's buildings are Hong Kong-ugly without any of the surrounding natural beauty.
It's old, older and decrepit.  The Taipei tower shimmers above it all - 101 stories worth of empty Chinese fast food containers, stacked one inside the other.  She's not the prettiest city but there may be something about her to love, something hidden.  I plan to find out.


Sal said...

Maybe you'll find some great street food. . .

FN said...

@Sal - that indeed has been the case. Write-ups coming....