Saturday, December 25, 2010

Singapore - New Fruit

New to Me, That Is...
Dodo's cousing bought me some Mangosteens and was eager to see if I liked them.  She said "it's kinda like durian" which stopped me dead in my tracks.  Durian is a SE Asian fruit that conjures up smelly, sweaty, cheesy feet.  "Durian?!?!?", I yelled, handing them back to her.  No, it doesn't TASTE like durian, she explained, it's similar in that it originates in this part of the world and I doubt you've had it.  She was right.
They're small - smaller than a baseball and the small leaves near the stem are tough.  I tore through the thick purple skin and found white, fleshy fruit pods.  It's a sweet, yet unfamiliar taste.  I cannot think of any other fruit to compare it to.  Pleasant, fragrant, easy to chew, tasty.  I am a convert.  Now, all that remains it durian.  Though, I don't know that I'll ever be able to get a piece of that in my mouth, it smells so bad....

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