Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Singapore - Condo Update

Who Will Win the Bet?
The official handover date for the condo is Feb 2012, however in Singapore the developers usually beat their estimate by 6 months or so.  Dodo and I have an over/under bet.  She says we'll get the keys prior to July 1st, 2011 and I've taken the over.  Both buildings have reached full height.  We will be in the left building, the top two floors on the right side.  The left building has 17 stories, the 17th being the roof decks for the two "penthouse" apartments.  The right building has 16 stories.  At the bottom of the left building, they've made a lot of progress on the pool - it's elevated more than I expected - at least 2-3 stories.  Makes sense, since the garage is underneath.
Here's a closeup of our apartment.  I've annotated the photo, but you probably need to click on it to zoom in.  Looks like they just reached the 16th floor.  None of our bedrooms has windows yet.  They're also still building the staircase to the roof, which will be covered in glass.  For some reaon, they've not glassed in any of the livingrooms yet - perhaps they're waiting for the sliding glass doors to arrive.  Our livingroom will have a small planters deck, which is meant for trees, plants, flowers, etc - not really big enough to actually sit out on.  Not to worry - our roof deck will be more than ample.  I've comfirmed that all the windows are covered in a green protective plastic that will be removed once everything is done.

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