Today I woke up at 4:45am. In Paris that would have created a sense of dread - four hours before I can find any coffee or grub! I wandered out at the crack of dawn and made my way to my favorite spot. The coffee was as rich and bracing as always - jolted me right awake.
After my bialy and coffee, I walked to the nearest subway but it was closed. I had to walk a lot further as a result - along Fulton Street, which has been in steady decline since the early 1900's probably. My time in Singapore, where everything is shiny and new and state of the art, has altered my perception of things. This part of Brooklyn's decrepitude stands in stark contrast.
Don't you think it's time for Mayor Bloomberg to fix up stuff and get the trash picked up (at least), now that he's got a third term??
With whose money? This is just a broke city in a broke country.
Hasn't he got enough of his own money?
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