Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Failing, Yet Again....

Here is Pingle's "why did you procrastinate so long to buy the orange juice squeezer" look. The facts are these: she and I agreed I should get one, I procrastinated, then finally went to a store in Paris to buy one. I found the one I wanted, but this being Paris, there were no sales people to help me and you could only buy one from the salesperson of that area. I'm sure they were outside smoking or drinking wine in a nearby cafe or having a quickie with there "5-7" (I'll explain later what that is.) So, she got here and nope, I didn't have one.

Today I went to a different store and found it. We immediately assembled it and put it to work on some Spanish oranges. It was pretty delicious and only cost about 2 Euros as opposed to 12 Euros at a cafe. It even has a "controleur de pulpe", which I am sure you can translate.

After a glass of OJ, pingle was back to her smiley self - see below.

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