Thursday, October 25, 2018

Syracuse - Fall

In Singapore the sun rises at the same time every morning.  Twelve hours later, almost to the minute, it sets.  Each day is hot and humid, differences are measured in degrees - a few one way or another.  If you're observant, you can trace the slow passing of the seasons by noting where the sun rises against the backdrop of skyscrapers.  In February it passes over the far left of my balcony and by November it rises over the far right.  I used to tell myself I didn't miss the seasons.  Truth is, I miss three of them.  Luckily, we passed through upstate NY at the peak of fall.  Everyone was complaining about the lack of color but I wasn't one of them.

At Green Lakes there were a considerable number of geese floating mid-lake, honking at each other.  I thought they were cutting it close.  "You guys should get going" I thought to myself.  On cue, their honking picked up and reached a crescendo as one brave soul began flapping, skimming along the water, breaking free.  The rest quickly followed, assembling into a V formation just above the tree tops, heading for a different season.
Arguing about the quality of the fall colors misses the point.  You are spoiled to have this change, whether it is painted in acrylic or watercolors.
At Clark Reservation we took the trail that traces the cliff top.  We had it all to ourselves.  I forgot how beautiful the sound of dry leaves rustling in the forest is.
There weren't too many bright days like this during our visit.  Truth be told, I spent a lot of time indoors, sitting in a large wing back chair under a blanket.  The dreary weather soon got to me, making me look forward to a return to the heat and sun. 

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