Saturday, June 1, 2013

Paris - Stopover No 1

Same Old, Same Old?
It's hard to reconcile my idea of laissez-faire France with the brewing controversy over gay marriage.  After spending years living in the Marais, the gay epicenter, I didn't think the Frenchies would give a hoot.  The city was covered with anti gay marriage messages like this one that reads "We need work, not gay marriage."

Other than that Paris looked and behaved as it always does.  Beautiful yet grimy.  Captivating and annoying at the same time.  The city never really changes - the skeleton is the same, just a few stores have changed here and there.  We stayed a few blocks from where I used to live and visited all of our usual haunts.  It was a three day walking, bike riding, eating and drinking feast.

The street art doesn't usually last long so I saw a lot of new pieces.  Next to the Canal St Martin, this building stood out for it's facade - a racing boat and crew.

Salvador Dali urged quiet near the Pompidou Centre.

We rented bicycles and rode over the 7th to our favorite patisserie for breakfast.  Dido is this dog's name and he waited patiently for his treat by the register, drooling in anticipation.

The usual French quirkiness was on display.  We saw a mailman puffing on a long pipe.

Elsewhere we went to our favorite galette bistro and dug into chestnut crepe while downing glasses of cider.

The best croque madame was still to be found in the 4th.  

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