The number bounced around inside my head like an anvil, crushing all hope. Seven hundred and sixty two kids graduating. So many that the graduation was being held in a professional auditorium usually reserved for public executions. We were in for our own slow death. First the speeches, then more speeches.....
First things first, stand up rod-straight, stare at the flag and repeat the pledge of allegiance, then sing along to the national anthem then hand over heart for some god-save-Texas crap. I looked in their faces, they were all scared, scared of the torture that awaited. I however, wore a smirk. I had a secret weapon - code named Kindle.
They were stuck feigning interest or worse - reading along as each of the seven hundred odd names were being called. I paged through the NY Times, reading each article as if I were being paid by the word.
It was really 725 graduates, but only (only!) 700 were actually there. It just seemed like 762.
@Sal - if you say so. It was a lot, whatever the number!
Mom is the only one who looks like she was moderately enjoying the graduation-all 3 hours of it.
@Mach - I agree, but it was her baby... So, I don't blame her.
True story. Were the rest of the "poser pics" taken with your camera? If so would you mind emailing them out?
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