Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Syracuse - Life's Simpler Pleasures

Hanging with the Salster
I had a great time at home waking up early for eats with the Breakfast Crew, running on the treadmill in the basement, spending time with Sal and Geppie and doing simple things like visiting Wegmans for grocery shopping.
I had some good eats while there.  Sal took me to Heids for a birthday lunch, which was excellent.  Gep and I went for lunch at Dinosaur Barbecue on my last day.  It was so heavy that I slept on the plane to NY a few hours later.
I post two food pics so my GF can get jealous.
Gep and I took a drive out to casino to try out the golf dome.  It's an indoor driving range, which though small, is a pretty fun time.  You can shoot at targets up to 110 yards away.
Gep was pretty good, he is swinging a lot better after getting tips from his cousin over the summer.

I offer up this short video of the re-tooled swing.  There is too much waiting over the ball, but other than that, it's a pretty good swing.

I got a funny surprise when I arrived in Brooklyn - a welcome home note from my neighbor Froggy.


Sal said...

And I was glad to see you, as always. We sure did concentrate on eating, didn't we?

FN said...

@Sal - lots of eating and lots of relaxation. Enjoyed it.