Monday, November 1, 2010

Paris - Color Me a Convert

It Sure Took Me Long Enough...
I finally took the plunge, I was so tired trying to find an open newspaper kiosk in Paris for the pleasure of wasting $4 on a watered down NY Times known as the International Herald Tribune.  What a crap paper.  I got the latest Kindle, the one that weighs about 3 feathers and quitely delivers my NY Times each morning via Wifi.  I get it every day, including Sunday for just 19 bucks/month.  Brilliant.  There are pros and cons: no ads but no color either.  Nope, cannot page through a paper, you use a button to scroll.  Unexpectedly, since you see one article at a time, you end up reading more of the paper than normal.  No distractions, no other headlines vying for your attention.  I am an unabashed convert.  I also have a New Yorker subscritption and am reading a book.


Sal said...

Uh oh: I can see a war between IPad and Kindle aficionados coming up.

FN said...

@Sal - nah, I won't be drawn into marketing nonsense. They are two different tools. I like both but for reading, I prefer the Kindle.