I've come to realize over time that you rarely get any centimes (pennies) as change in Paris. Why? Simple - if something is priced to two decimals, the second decimal is either a 5 or zero. Now that I think about it, the second decimal is almost always a zero. That implies that soon the smallest coin will be 10 centimes. Was all this done on purpose? I doubt it - it shows how expensive things are here. What can you get for a centime? Nothing. What can you get for 100 centimes - almost nothing. Ok, you can get a pretty good croissant for 90 centimes still, but that cannot possible last for long. Good riddance annoyingly small, useless coins!! America - get rid of the penny!

Hey, if we didn't move from English units to the metric system, why would we get rid of the penny? What chu got against the penny?
You are missing my point Sal. The penny is worthless. What can you get for a penny - nothing. What can you get for five pennies? Nothing. So, move to the nickle as the lowest denominated coin!!!
Oh, I get your point, FN; just defending the lowly penny. 'Sides, if the nickel or dime is the smallest denomination, vendors WILL put up the prices of things.
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