Friday, January 9, 2009

Singapore - Days 12-13

Golfing in Indonesia
No, I didn't spend two days golfing, I simply got lazy updating the blog. Day 12 was rather uneventful: woke up late, bought a golf shirt, had dinner at Puff's Aunt's house and played some Mah Jong. The next day, the golf trip began. Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands, one is offshore from Singapore and can be reached by ferry in 30 minutes.

A few minutes away from the coast we had to snake our way through empty freighters.
They hovered like so many flies waiting to gorge themselves.
We sat on the top deck of the ferry to get air. Puff and her friend MC didn't seem too fond of the choppy sea. In just 30 minutes we reached Batam, Indonesia. We negotiated an inlet, past some vacation homes near the seafront.
We had to pass customs and immigration on both sides. Again, echoing earlier posts, the technology in Singapore in unsurpassed. Singaporeans, when leaving to get on the ferry, simply had to swipe their identity card. Me? I had to fill out a 3-page form in pen. The golf course had a bus waiting for us and whisked us to the course, just 3 minutes away. I've been to a lot of golf clubhouses, but don't remember a nicer view from one.
The amenities themselves were somewhat lackluster - which only added to the experience. I took a shot of the clubs because they made me laugh. I'd never heard of the brand and they looked like they washed up on shore.
The kid still has good early season form. Either that or the Puffin caught me at the exact perfect moment at the top of the swing. Probably the latter.
The groundskeepers were non-plussed. They were dressed for max sun protection - when I looked at them I suddenly felt like my 50+ spf was lacking.
MC employing a smooth take-away...
Then holding the finish as if to say "take that!!"
They saved the best view for the 18th tee. Just take a look at this shot. I feel relaxed now as I remember the moment.
The deal included a lunch - a classic Indonesian meal called Nasi Goreng - chili fried rice with a fried egg, satay on the right, a fried chicken drumstick on the left and some veggies. Someone should open up an Indonesian restaurant in New York - the food is really delicious.

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