Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cali, Colombia - Maintenance

The Best Two Dollar Workout
In our quest to be in tip-top shape for the Macchu Picchu hike, we hit the gym every night at 6pm.  Down the hill from us is a gym that offers classes for two bucks.  I still cannot believe the prices here.  Slightly different workout every day, but damned hard regardless.

The first floor has bikes and running machines, the second floor is a large space for the class.  It's a mix of all kinds of things: push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, lifting weights, kicking a heavy bag, burpees - you name it.  After each class we're soaked and breathless.
The trainer, Bryan, in the green shirt is pretty tough.  His favorite two phrases are "vamos" and "con animo" which mean "let's go" and "with spirit."  After every class a photo is taken for the gym's facebook page.  He always shakes my hand at the end and tells me he expects to see us tomorrow.  He tries to sell me on the 5am class but I just shake my head no.

1 comment:

The Puff Speaks... said...

I believe the quest is yours not ours... Am just a follower dragged unwillingly to class!!