Thursday, August 18, 2011

Osaka - First Blush

Immediately Likeable
Compared to Tokyo, Osaka is greener, easier, mellower.  Though still a large city of 2 million, it feels finite, walkable, greener, nice.

There is a large food neighborhood called Dotonbori which we tried out on our first night.
Osakans are just as stylish as their Tokyoite cousins, the women are done up at all times and the men exude a cool confidence.

I've only been here for a few days but I like the place, at a gut level.


Sal said...

What strikes me in most of the photos taken in Japanese cities is how clean they all look. Makes neighboring streets in the 'Cuse look particularly trashy.

FN said...

Yep, spotless. I think I take that for granted now and don't even notice it.

Sal said...

I wonder how much of this spotless look is the result of government at some level using resources to keep it looking that way or is the result of individuals being raised to be respectful of others and of the environment. Have any idea about that? I remember that some years ago, an American tourist was arrested and fined, if not caned, for dropping litter (chewing gum?) in Singapore.

FN said...

@Sal - it's the people, they simply have been raised not to litter. Then, in Singapore, if you don't comply they fine you. The case you refer to was about an American who was doing grafitti in Singapore. They caned his ass! I love it