Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fukuoka - Nokonoshima Island

A Visit to an Island Nature Park
Just a ten minute ferry ride away, Nokonoshima Island is another world entirely.  It's a large nature park known for it's flower fields. 
This is Fukuoka City harbor.  The darker green area is Hakata, where our hotel was.  The teardrop shaped island in the inner harbor is Nokonoshima.
During the right time of year the flower fields look like this.  We went during a less than spectacular time so the following photos are not as spectacular.

Nevertheless, it was beautiful.  This is the view from then entrance.  The fields in the distance are full of sunflowers.  The flag in the foreground was for some strange Japanese game that is a combination of golf and croquet.

This is a shot from the short ferry ride.  The ferry leaves once and hour, making it a convenient place to visit.  Once you arrive at Nokonoshima you board a bus to the flower fields.
We walked the fields and took lots of photos.

The views to the nearby isthmus and neighboring islands were breathtaking.  The beauty doesn't really come through in these shots.


Sal said...

When people here hear that you are in Japan, they want to know first how close you were to the damaged nuclear reactor. Did you see anything that reminded you of that?

FN said...

@Sal - all that stuff happened hunddres of miles north of Tokyo, we went the other direction entirely.