Thursday, July 14, 2011

Singapore - Morning

View From the Rental
We went straight from the airport to our rental, a room on the third floor of a house in the East Coast neighborhood.  The house belongs to the parents of one of Jean's girlfriends.  The other third floor room is rented to a German student on a 6-month exchange program (we haven't met him yet.)  We made a quick trip to Jean's mom's house to pick up some clothes and then had a nice dinner outside.  At around 11 we crashed.  I woke up at 4:30am, which is pretty good by jetlag standards and passed the time watching golf on my laptop via Slingbox.  At seven, when the birds started to chirp, I snapped this shot from our window.


Sal said...

That's a real pleasant neighborhood you're in. Very attractive; and the air looks so sparkling.

What kinds of birds are your alarm clock?

FN said...

@Sal - don't know what bird, I have to find out. He whoops and makes a heck of a racket. I like the sound, Jean hates it.