Saturday, June 6, 2009

Five Things I Hate...

About Paris....
These are in no particular order.....

Having to pack your own groceries. So, I gotta pick em out, carry em around in a basket, pay for em AND pack them in a bag? Seems to me this may be one of those ways to not have too many employees....

Smokers. I hate them in all countries, not just France. But France seems to have more of them than any country I've been to. Thank goodness they have to smoke outside now.

Dog shit on the sidewalks. It is everywhere and if you aren't on the watch for it, it will get you. Compared to NY, not so many people clean up after their mutts here.
Sleepy, empty streets in the morning. Nobody gets up early and if they do, they take their sweet-ass time getting to work. This means, of course, that I don't have to get to work early, which is nice. But imagine, it's a Saturday, you sleep in late, walk slowly to the newspaper stand, arrive at 10am and the goddamn place is STILL not open yet....

The slow pace of just about everything. Especially when you go to eat at a restaurant. It is truly painful sometimes. Even fast food is slow. I went to get a panini at a sandwich spot yesterday. Nobody was there but me. I ordered and then watched the guy build it one molecule at a time and then press it in a panini press for 7 minutes. 20 minutes later he slowly handed it to me and it took him another 4 minutes to make change. I wanted to beat him with the sandwich....


Sal said...

If I believed in such things, I would say the universe has "decided" to give you some practice in slooowwwiiinnnggg dowwwwnnn, because you need to learn how to do it. On the other hand, maybe you'll just implode. :-)

FN said...

Why do I need to learn how to slow down? Why?

These froggies got too much wine in their veins.....

The Puff Speaks... said...

Why so violent babe? Why beat pple with the sandwich? This I do agree with your mum... good to learn to slow down :) Impatient man! Hahaha...

FN said...

Whatever Pingle....

I am patiently awaiting your arrival in Paris....